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Rasayana and Medhyarasayana: Traditional Ayurvedic nutrition methods for Physical and Mental Health | Original Article

Dr. Preeti Singh1 Dr.Deepak Kumar Sondhiya2 in Anusandhan (RNTUJ-AN) | Multidisciplinary Academic Research



Veda signifies wisdom. Various branches of science Geometry and logic, cognition, Medical, Physics and astronomy and other fields were all included in Vedic knowledge. However, Ancient India science not only based on the Vedas but also on their appendices, called as the Vedangas (i.e., shiksha, phonetics, chhandas, metrical structures, etymology, nirukta, grammar, vyakarana, and astronomy, and kalpa, conduction of ritual with its basis in geometry, mathematics, and calendrics). Another branch of the Vedas is Ayurveda. It is recognized as the Atharva Veda's upaveda. In Ayurveda, daily and seasonal routines, dietary and social codes of conduct, and the use of Rasayana are all addressed as means to this end. One of Ayurveda's comprehensive disciplines, rasayana, involves the specialized use of herbs, herbomineral formulations, food items, lifestyle, self-discipline, and social etiquette to achieve the optimal state of the body's tissues and systems and minimize the impact of etiological factors on the body. The ancient Ayurvedic tridosha theory is the source of Plato's three elements theory in Greek medicine: the gall, the wind, and the phlegm. In Ayurveda, to enhance Medha, or Intelligence, both Vata and Kapha Doshas have to be balanced. The fire element, or Pitta Dosha, is crucial for raising IQ and mental acuity. Ayurveda makes reference to both individual drugs and a class of pharmaceuticals known as "Medhya Rasayanas" in the Charaka Samhita aims to achieve this goal by balancing the Tridosha. Every medical system places emphasis on curing disease; but, in Ayurveda, maintaining and keeping health is the primary goal of health care plans, with disease treatment always coming second.